Saturday 29 January 2011

Post 3: Democracy interrupted

I've been thinking of tweeting 80m Egyptians - or a representive sample relying on the trickledown effect-and  asking them to put their little grumbles on hold for two weeks. As a favour to an old Alexandrian. Me. At least until we get our little squadron through El-Arish, Sharm and Luxor on our way to the Sudan and South Africa. But a) the internet has been emasculated by the regime ( that's encouraging actually; I mean the fact that Mubarak's goon squad includes internet anorachs who can do that) and b) I'm not sure a joy ride by a bunch of overfed Brits and other Europeans will figure high on the protestors' priorities right now.

So we're on our lonesome. Do we ignore all the official advice and head south and, if so, which way? Egypt, Libya possibly Saudi Arabia? I don't think W will take kindly to wearing a scarf. Yes, some of the guys are bringing their better halves. All I can reveal is that serious discussions are taking place in a constructive atmosphere in the group divided, roughly, between the Stiff-Upper-Lip wing and the Do-we -really-need this flight wimps. I am torn. I am reminded nostalgically of the time, when as an FT Foreign Correspondent I flew into Tehran on the chartered Air France Jumbo,carrying that bundle of laughs the Ayatollah Khomemeini on his return from exile in France. The Shah had been driven into exile. The emperor had plenty of money. But no clothes. And look what we got in his place! Some you lose. And some you lose.  Mind you, that French skipper knew a thing or two about flying. He corkscrewed the Jumbo onto the ground to avoid possible missile fire.

I'm packing my stuff in the smallest bag you've ever seen and flying G-VAAC to Toulouse on Tuesday, ready to jump whichever way Sam the Man dictates. We could reach Khartoum, as intended, through Libya and Chad.  Many barrels of Avgas. Many camels.

Today we had satisfying session at Cranfield with Mark Barnard the Chief engineer at Bonus about what we need to watch for. It boiled down to: " Lads...keep topping up the oil, don't let the engine overheat, don't panic and here's my number. But I never answer my mobile so don't bother calling. And if anything goes wrong remember rule ONE: fly the plane. Oh, and here's  a roll of gaffer tape in case the wing tips buckles or falls apart in the Equatoirial heat. Good luck and send us a postcard " Thanks Mark.

Getting Prior Permission to land at en route airports has been diverting. The French, cool as  concombres, have been blisteringly efficient. The Italians have been charming and, well, Italian. And the Greeks, oh those Greeks, seem so thrilled that we are going to drip in for Kelftiko and Tarama they're offering to charge us nothing."Just will be a pleasure...!" said the lovely Vassilis at Rhodes Airport Authority. O Vassilis einai Leventis.

Monday I will find out what the underwriters feel about taking G-VAAC into Egypt. I'll try and catch him after he's had a good City lunch. I shall report back.

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